How can a SPECTRUM model be set to use a read/write community string for Network Configuration Manager (NCM) and a read only community string for normal modeling?
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How can a SPECTRUM model be set to use a read/write community string for Network Configuration Manager (NCM) and a read only community string for normal modeling?


Article ID: 51832


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CA Spectrum


How can a SPECTRUM model be set to use a read/write community string for Network Configuration Manager (NCM) and a read only community string for normal modeling?

NCM requires a read/write community string in order to be able to perform functions.  Requirements may be that the SPECTRUM model must be modeled with a read only string.  If a SPECTRUM model has a read only string, SNMP set actions cannot be performed on the device.  NCM needs to be able to perform SNMP sets to function.


Release: Any


The solution is to populate the CommunityNameForSNMPSets attribute id 0x11a7f  on the device model with a read/write community string.

Reference the "Attribute Descriptions" section of the documentation.


Description: This attribute specifies which community name is used when performing SNMP sets. If left blank, the Community_Name attribute value is used for SNMP sets.

This attribute exists on device models.  You can use a Locater search to find the models that need to have this enabled.  Select them and go to the Attribute Editor.  Click the Add button next to the User Defined.  Click on the device folder and select a device.  Enter "CommunityName" on the lower right hand filter.  Select the CommunityNameForSNMPSets attribute and click ok.  Select the CommunityNameForSNMPSets attribute under the User Defined and click the right hand arrow to move it to the right.  Select the No Change button and set the read/write string.  Click apply.  You will now be able to utilize NCM functionality while the normal polling operations will utilize the read only string.