Does the Trap Community String have to match the the model Community String in SPECTRUM?
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Does the Trap Community String have to match the the model Community String in SPECTRUM?


Article ID: 51757


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Does the Trap Community String have to match the the model Community String in SPECTRUM?


Release: Any


For the processing of snmpv1 and snmpv2 traps for alerts, SPECTRUM does not require the Trap Community String to match the Community String of the SPECTRUM model.

For the processing of snmpv3 traps for alerts, SPECTRUM does require the trap user, auth and priv to match the user, auth and priv of the SPECTRUM model.

To utilize SPECTRUMs Trap Based Continuous Discovery functionality to model new devices when a trap is received, SPECTRUM does require the Trap Community String or a Community String in the Community Names list to be at least a valid Read Only Community Name / String for the device sending the trap in order to model the device in SPECTRUM.