Can Spectrum Global Collections be updated via the command line?
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Can Spectrum Global Collections be updated via the command line?


Article ID: 51744


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Can Spectrum Global Collections (GC) be updated via the command line?


Release: Any


To update a Global Collection (GC) via command line:

1. Log into the SpectroSERVER system as the user that owns the Spectrum installation

2. If on Windows, start a bash shell by running "bash -login"

3. cd to the $SPECROOT/vnmsh directory and enter the following command to start a Command Line Interface (CLI) session


4. Find the model handle of the GC. For example, entering the following CLI command will find all of the GC models in the database:

./show models | grep 0x10474

The following is an example of the output from the above command. The model handle is the first column of data in the output.

0x20023f4   Container-Layers  0x10474     GlobalCollection
0x2001ebe   Ports             0x10474     GlobalCollection
0x20017c7   Model Class - Ro  0x10474     GlobalCollection
0x20014d3   Cisco Routers     0x10474     GlobalCollection
0x2000914   Workstations      0x10474     GlobalCollection
0x2000912   Collection1       0x10474     GlobalCollection


Run the following command where <MH> is the model handle of the GC model you wish to update:

./update action=0x100f6 mh-<MH>

The following is an example using the model handle of the Workstations GC above:

$ ./update action=0x100f6 mh=0x2000914
update action: successful
Response has 0 attributes:

Additional Information

Please reference the "Command Line Interface" section of the documentation for more information.