CA Jobtrac Job Management: Workdays using Cyclic Calendars scheduled to run on a holiday and job is not scheduled.
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CA Jobtrac Job Management: Workdays using Cyclic Calendars scheduled to run on a holiday and job is not scheduled.


Article ID: 51651


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Why in CA Jobtrac JM does my event defined with a cyclic workdays not get scheduled on a holiday?



Component: JOBTRC


A holiday action entry is ignored if the process period pertains to a workday. Only non workday oriented process periods such as DAILY allow for the specification of holiday action entries. For example, a holiday action entry is ignored if the process period is WORKDAY#nn or CYCDAY#nn.

The "Holiday Action Field" entry will NEVER apply to process periods which are related to workdays (as for example WORKDAY#nn or CYCDAY#nn), since we ONLY count workdays in this case. That is, CYCDAY#002 for example means the "second WORKDAY of that cycle", and this can "per se" NEVER be a holiday, so that we would not have to look at the Holiday action field entry.

Next, which days are workdays in a cycle? Per default, Monday thru Friday are counted as workdays, and you can define Saturday and/or Sunday as a workday too by specifying SAT=Y and/or SUN=Y in the holiday calendar entry of that location. All holidays of the location will also NOT be counted as workdays.

Let's use for an example the year 2010 and have defined the following Cyclic and Holiday Calendars:

CA-Jobtrac                 Cyclic Calendars                          
COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  
                                                              mm/dd/yy   11:12 
Location ID        Cyclic Definitions                                          
000                0102 0130 0227 0403 0501 0529 0703 0731 0828 1002 1030 1127 
CA-Jobtrac                 Holiday Calendars                    Row 104 of 126 
COMMAND ===>                                                  SCROLL ===> CSR  
                                                              mm/dd/yy   11:14 
Location/Workdays  Holiday Definitions                                         
000                0404 1125 1225                                              
WORK SAT: Y SUN: Y                                                             
*        *    *    *     *       *       *       *        *         ****   *  * 
JOBA     ASAPS*                                           SUNDAY    X             
+                                                         CYCDAY#002

The following outcomes are possible:

The date of 4/04 is a holiday for this cycle and specified SAT=Y/SUN=Y, that is Monday thru Saturday of this cycle will be regarded as workdays, and Sunday (4/04) will NOT be regarded as a workday, it's a holiday:

   Saturday   4/03 -> CYCDAY#001
   Sunday     4/04 -> "not selected because of holiday"
   Monday     4/05 -> CYCDAY#002
   Tuesday    4/06 -> CYCDAY#003
   Wednesday  4/07 -> CYCDAY#004
   Thursday   4/08 -> CYCDAY#005
   Wednesday  4/09 -> CYCDAY#006

If there is NO holidays for this cycle and specified SAT=Y/SUN=Y, that is EVERY day of this cycle will be regarded as workdays:

   Saturday  4/03 -> CYCDAY#001
   Sunday    4/04 -> CYCDAY#002
   Monday    4/05 -> CYCDAY#003
   Tuesday   4/06 -> CYCDAY#004
   Wednesday 4/07 -> CYCDAY#005
   Thursday  4/08 -> CYCDAY#006
   Friday    4/09 -> CYCDAY#007

There IS NO holidays for this cycle and specified SAT=N/SUN=N, that is ONLY Monday thru Friday of this cycle will be regarded as workdays:

   4/03 -> "not selected because of SAT=N"
   4/04 -> "not selected because of SUN=N"
   4/05 -> CYCDAY#001
   4/06 -> CYCDAY#002
   4/07 -> CYCDAY#003
   4/08 -> CYCDAY#004
   4/09 -> CYCDAY#005

Work around you define UDEFn process period in the SCL:

*        *    *    *     *       *       *       *        *         ****
UDEF1=0404=APR 4TH   ,1125=NOV 25TH

Then on the event you would have:

JOBA     ASAPS*                                           UDEF1

The JOBA would be scheduled to run on that day.