Is CA APAS Insight Monitor for Adabas r5.1 compatible with Adabas V8.2 from Software AG?
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Is CA APAS Insight Monitor for Adabas r5.1 compatible with Adabas V8.2 from Software AG?


Article ID: 51647


Updated On:


APAS Insight Monitor for Adabas PLEU



This document explains what is required to make CA APAS r5.1 compatible with Adabas V8.2.2.


CA APAS r5.1 requires a compatibility fix for running with an Adabas V8.2.2 database. See APAR #RO16526.

The CA APAS r5.1 compatibility fix for Adabas V8.2 is not downward compatible with Adabas v8.1. Therefore, before applying the CA APAS r5.1 Adabas V8.2 compatibility fix, make a copy of the CA APAS r5.1 LOAD library for use with Adabas v8.2 databases and apply the compatibility fix to the copy of the r5.1 LOAD library. The original CA APAS r5.1 LOAD library will continue to be used with the Adabas V8.1 environments and the new CA APAS r5.1 LOAD library with compatibility fix applied will be used with the Adabas V8.2 databases.

Note: This zap does not support Adabas V8.2.1. Adabas V8.2.2 is required.


Component: APAS