There are new or existing resources with missing Resource - Self (Auto) right.
The "Resource - Self (Auto)" is an instance right assigned automatically when the user is created. This right is automatically granted to the resource and it includes the Resource - Edit Ideas access right.
Once the resource is created using Clarity UI, if there is any XOG performed on this resource with "Trackmode" = "None", that might delete the "Resource-Self" right from the resource's rights. The issue might also be caused by other actions as well that have not been established.
It can happen on both new or existing resources
Release: Any releases with this issue
In order to re-establish the missing "Resource-Self (Auto)" instance right, run the following query against the Database.
select 'exec cmn_sec_assign_inst_right_sp ( ''USER'', '''||user_name||''', ''ResourceSelf'','|| || ');' from cmn_sec_users u, srm_resources r where r.user_id = and not in (select csaop.principal_id from cmn_sec_assgnd_obj_perm csaop, cmn_sec_groups g where g.group_code = 'ResourceSelf' and csaop.principal_type = 'USER' and csaop.right_id =
The output the query above will return stored procedure statements for users missing the "Resource - Self (auto)" instance right.
Below is an example of the output.
exec cmn_sec_assign_inst_right_sp ( 'USER', 'username', 'ResourceSelf',5000001);
This issue has been documented previously as CLRT-56179, CNR in 13.2 and higher.
If you are experiencing this problem and the workaround above does not significantly help, or you have steps with which you are able to reproduce the problem, please contact Broadcom Clarity Support.
The updated queries for Postgres are below:
select 'call cmn_sec_assign_inst_right_sp ( ''USER'', '''||user_name||''',
''ResourceSelf'','|| || ');' from cmn_sec_users u, srm_resources r
where r.user_id =
and not in (select csaop.principal_id
from cmn_sec_assgnd_obj_perm csaop, cmn_sec_groups g
where g.group_code = 'ResourceSelf'
and csaop.principal_type = 'USER'
and csaop.right_id =
call cmn_sec_assign_inst_right_sp ( 'USER', 'username', 'ResourceSelf',5000001);