Possible causes for Error message UT000037 in IDMSDBL2 during RELOAD step of an Unload/Reload job.
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Possible causes for Error message UT000037 in IDMSDBL2 during RELOAD step of an Unload/Reload job.


Article ID: 51611


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This document describes the possible causes for the UT000037 error message encountered during the RELOAD step after program IDMSDBL2 is started.

The error messages are:

UT000037 Dbkey nnnnnnn not found in Bound area

DB002760 C-5M372: Module IDMSDBL2 issued error/warning messages.


Release: All releases
Component: IDMS


Check the following points :

  1. Make sure that the 'reload DMCL' is available during the UNLOAD step.

    During the UNLOAD step, we calculate the new page numbers for the records to be unloaded. Therefore, the 'reload DMCL' is needed.
    Any DMCL changes you want to take effect in the RELOAD have to be made in this new reload DMCL before the UNLOAD is run.
    For example if the page range is being changed this new reload DMCL has to contain the new page ranges.
    The reload DMCL should not be changed between the time the UNLOAD and RELOAD jobs are run.

  2. The 'reload DMCL' must contain the segment definitions into which the data will be reloaded.

    Points 1 and 2 apply for both nonSQL and SQL segments.

  3. Make sure that both the 'unload segment' AND 'reload segment' do have the SAME name !

    This is required for SQL segments. If this requirement is not met, the RELOAD step will abend with the UT00037 error message, despite the UNLOAD step having terminated with condition code 0, Point 3 applies to SQL segments only.

Additional Information

See documentation sections UNLOAD and RELOAD.