Spectrum devices go into suppressed state but there are no suppressed alarms
Release: Any
Suppressed alarms are disabled by default
1. Log into OneClick as an ADMIN user
2. Find and select the VNM model
3. Click on the Information tab in the Component Detail panel
4. Find and expand the Alarm Management subview
5. Set "Disable Suppressed Alarms" to No
6. Set your alarm filter to display suppressed alarms
7. Set the table preferences in the Explorer tab of the Navigation panel to display the suppressed alarm count
Please take note that enabling suppressed alarms by setting "Disable Suppressed Alarms" to No can have massive performance implications to tomcat. The reason is that when a device loses contact Spectrum puts all child models in a suppressed state. If the device has over 1000 interfaces, this will automatically generate 1000 suppressed alarms.