How to create a Normal Alarm in Spectrum when pingable device is contactable again
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How to create a Normal Alarm in Spectrum when pingable device is contactable again


Article ID: 51559


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CA Spectrum DX NetOps


You can configure CA SPECTRUM to notify you when a fault device resumes its back-to-normal condition.

This solution uses Event Configuration Editor to provide an example of how to configure CA SPECTRUM to generate a Normal Alarm when Pingable device is back contactable.


DX NetOps Spectrum all releases


The solution is made up of two major steps:

  1. Raise Normal Alarm when Pingable device is contactable again

  2. Clear Normal Alarm when Pingable device is not contactable

To Raise Normal Alarm when Pingable device is contactable again

  1. Launch ECEditor and filter for event 0x00010301.

  2. On the Alarms tab, Generated Alarm section, select Normal as Severity and fill in fields for Symptoms, Probable Causes, and Recommended Actions.

  • Select the tab Event Options and click [Override...] button.
  • Select Pingable in the Model Type dialog and click [OK].
  • Select checkbox Store Event in Historical Database if you want the event to be stored in the database.

    •  Select from the menu bar File, Save All.

To Clear Normal Alarm when Pingable device is not contactable 

  1. Launch ECEditor and filter for event 0x00010d35.

  2. Click the triangle with '+' sign icon in the "Cleared Alarm(s)" box.
    The dialog Add Cleared Alarm dialog will appear.

  3. Click [Browse ...] button and select for alarm 0x00010301.

  • From the menu bar, select File, Save All.