"Peer not authenticated" error invoking REST call from PX policy
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"Peer not authenticated" error invoking REST call from PX policy


Article ID: 5155


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Invoking a REST call from a browser (URL) running on the Identity Manager server returns a successful response.  Making the same REST call from SoapUI running on the Identity Manager server is also successful.  However when invoking the request from Policy Xpress the following error occurs: 

"Failed invoking REST operation " which was caused by "peer not authenticated".


Component: IDMGR


If there are multiple copies of Java on the system, the SSL certificate used to authenticate to the REST web service may be not be in the correct location for use by Identity Manager.  Import the SSL certificate used into the Java keystore used by the Identity Manager application server.  For example, on JBoss, if JAVA_HOME is configured as "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111", use the keytool utility to import the certificate to "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111\jre\lib\security\cacerts".