Error while creating adhoc view reports in jaspersoft
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Error while creating adhoc view reports in jaspersoft


Article ID: 5154


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


"An error occurred while creating the connection. Try again." is observed when creating Ad Hoc reports like below:



Spectrum  integrated with CABI


  1. CR_user does not have privileges

  2. Jasper Repository spectrum_domain_ds does not:
    1. use CR_user
    2. point to the Spectrum Report Manager (SRM Server)


Part 1. Assign privileges to CR_user from Spectrum Report Manager (SRM) as below:

  1. Login to Spectrum Report Manager, from command prompt, navigate to $SPECROOT/mysql/bin running the below command:
    • cd $SPECROOT/mysql/bin

  2. Now, login to mysql by running the below command:
    • mysql.exe –uroot –proot 

  3. Assign all privileges on to the user CR_user as below:
    • grant all privileges on *.* to 'CR_user'@'<CABI Hostname or IP address>' identified by '0n3cl1Ck';
    • Example:  grant all privileges on *.* to 'CR_user'@'' identified by '0n3cl1Ck'; where is the CABI hostname, the below screenshot provides another example:


Part 2. Point Jasper Repository spectrum_domain_ds to the Spectrum Report Manager and change the user to CR_user 

  1. From browser (preferably Chrome), login to Jasper Console as superuser

  2. Navigate to View ~~> Repository ~~>
         root ~~> public ~~> ca ~~> spectrum ~~> datasources

    • The below screenshot provides the view of the same:


  3. Right click on spectrum_domain_ds data and click on Edit, or click spectrum_domain_ds and click on Edit beside Run

  4. In "Set Data Source Type and Properties" page, make sure:
    1. Host is set to the <SRM server hostname>
    2. username is set to CR_user
    3. password entered is 0n3cl1Ck

  5. Perform "Test Connection"

  6. On success, click Save.


  • If performing the "Test Connection" (Step 5) fails, try providing the FQDN ( of the CABI Server while assigning privilege to CR_user mentioned in Step 3 under Part 1

Additional Information


Additionally, you can have OneClick reconfigure the Data Sources

OneClick SRM Web
    ~~> Administration ~~> Report Manager ~~> Jasper Integration

   Verify Jasper Server information is correct and that the Integration is Enabled
   Click 'Save'

The Save should connect to the JasperServer and reconfigure the datasources


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