Modeling a SysEdge agent in SPECTRUM via port 1691 fails
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Modeling a SysEdge agent in SPECTRUM via port 1691 fails


Article ID: 51536


Updated On:


CA Spectrum CA eHealth


Modeling a SysEdge agent in SPECTRUM via port 1691 fails


Release: Any version of Spectrum


By default the System Edge agent does not anchor its listening port.


Although not specifically a SPECTRUM issue this can cause problems in monitoring an environment. To resolve this issue please follow these steps:

1) Open a command window (cmd) or a shell to work in.

2) Change directory to the System Edge install directory by default sysedge (i.e. cd /sysedge)

3) Run: setup -p 1691

4) Restart the System Edge agent

This can be done on Windows in the Services List under the Administrative Tools window. Simply highlight the System Edge line select the stop option and once it has completely stopped select the start option.

In Unix, run net stop sysedge and when the agent stops run net start sysedge.

5) Once the agent has restarted you will now be able to model it via port 1691.