Is it possible to configure TPX to invoke an ACL program based solely on the depression of a PF or PA key?
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Is it possible to configure TPX to invoke an ACL program based solely on the depression of a PF or PA key?


Article ID: 51522


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



Is it possible to configure TPX to invoke an ACL program based only on the depression of a PF or PA key, without using the command character and command key? Similar to the "hot key" process that is invoked when "jump", "menu", and "print" keys are assigned?


Yes, the TPXUCMND exit can be coded to:

  • Check for the appropriate PF key (only for a certain session or always).

  • If found then issue a $COMMAND macro (explained in Programming Guide) for an "S aclname" command.

  • Then set the return code to 16 to discard the input and free the keyboard.


Release: NVINAM00200-5.2-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package