Is There Any Training Available for Roscoe?
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Is There Any Training Available for Roscoe?


Article ID: 51514


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 Does Roscoe have an online tutorial? 


Release: 6.0
Component: ROSCOE


Roscoe has an online Tutorial that you can use for training on Basic Topics. The TUTORIAL is geared toward the Roscoe user.

The TUTORIAL is designed to acquaint a new user with CA Roscoe. It describes the variety of facilities available. In particular, it describes the screen format, command entry, data entry and data manipulation. For more information about the Roscoe Tutorial, please see Chapter 23. TUTORIAL in the Roscoe System Reference Guide.

Enter TUTORIAL or RTU.TUTORIAL to start the Roscoe Tutorial. It brings up this first page:

*------------------------ TUTORIAL - INTRODUCTION ----------------------------*
   This tutorial is designed to provide a basic introduction to ROSCOE.
   Each subject will be explained and you will be asked to perform a task.
   Your entry will be evaluated and the result displayed.
   You may progress at your own pace, stopping at any time to proceed later.
   You may review any subject.  Although you may skip any subject, it is not
   recommended.  You should go through the tutorial in the order that has
   been established since terms and concepts discussed in each section are
   referred to in succeeding sections.
   Once you are familiar with ROSCOE, the following manuals will be
   GETTING STARTED - Basic introduction to ROSCOE
   USER REFERENCE MANUAL - Reference for ROSCOE actions/functions
   COMMAND REFERENCE MANUAL - All available ROSCOE commands
   Please depress ENTER to continue the tutorial.

 ENTER Cont    PAn  Reshow  6/18 End     9/21 Hold   10/22 Prev   11/23 Skip 

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