EZT: How to override the WORKFILE and WORKFSPA options on the PARM statement.
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EZT: How to override the WORKFILE and WORKFSPA options on the PARM statement.


Article ID: 51489


Updated On:


Easytrieve Report Generator



WORKFILE and WORKFSPA are new parameters for release 11.x new function.  These are not valid if you are running in Compatibility mode which will show as

follows in the output:  EASYTRIEVE PLUS 11.6-C

.  How can these be overridden via the PARM statement?



Easytrieve release 11.6 


The override for WORKFSPA is included with the override for the WORKFILE parameter.

The syntax is PARM WORKFILE (YES|NO nnn)

YES or NO for the WORKFILE parameter
nnn represents a numeric value for the number of cylinders that are to be allocated to each Report for the WORKFSPA parameter.

The documentation can be found under:  Environmental Options