How can I create submenus in CA TPX?
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How can I create submenus in CA TPX?


Article ID: 51480


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


Beginning with release 5.3, CA TPX has been enhanced to facilitate tiered sub-menus. It was not easily possible before release 5.3. This document describes how a submenu can be created.


CA TPX for z/OS


If you are creating tiered sub-menus for the first time, follow the steps A to D.

STEP A: Switch on Submenu Facility

To create Submenus you need to configure SMRT to turn on the sub-menu Tiered facility. For that, do the following:

  1. Go to TPXADMIN, select 2, then 1, then select the SMRT you are using.
  2. Select Panel 5 - System Features.
  3. Set value of field "Allow tiered menus" to 'Y' (this is the last field on that panel).
  4. Press PF3 five times to go back to the Main menu.
  5. Select TPXOPER and reload SMRT with command.

    RELOAD SMRT=<name_of_SMRT>

Now let's assume you want to group several CICS-Applications together. You need to define a Primary Menu Entry behind which the other Applications will be grouped together and then define the Applications which are part of that submenu. These are two steps:

STEP B: Define the Session in the Primary Menu

- On User or Profile Level create a session named CICS (this is just an example, you are free in selecting a name here).
- On the first session detail panel set field "Applid/Tier LVL" to TPXTIER0 (TPXTIER is a keyword for tiered menus, the "0" indicates that this Session Entry appears in the TPX primary menu).

TPX Userid Maintenance Detail Panel
Panelid - TEN0124
Command ===> Userid - USER
Termid - TERM001
Userid: USER Session: CICS <New> Date -
Time -
Profile Application System
Defaults Defaults Defaults
Applid/Tier LVL: tpxtier0 ________
Timeout min.: ______ ______ ______ 999999
Modent name: ________ ________ ________
Sesskey: PF __ __ __
Start at signon: _ _
Startup ACL: ________ ________ ________
ACL Userid: ________ ________
ACL Password: ________ ________
Term ACL: ________ ________ ________
ACB Mask: ________ ________
KeepACB: _ _ _______
Invisible: _ _

PF1=Help PF3=End PF4=Return PF8=Next Page "CANCEL" cancel


On the 3rd session detail panel set "Owner Key" and "Member Key".
- Owner Key specifies a unique value, between 1 and 9 or A and Z which is used to identify the owner of a tiered submenu. You will later attach the real Sessions to this Entry by specifying that same Key. In this example I chose '7' as key.
- A Member key specifies the character key used to identify the owner of this session. Member key identifies on which tiered menu this session will show up.

TPX Userid Maintenance Detail Panel
Panelid - TEN0127
Command ===> Userid - USER
Termid - TERM001
Userid: USER Session: CICS <New> Date -
Applid: TPXTIER0 Time -

Profile Application System
Defaults Defaults Defaults
Tiered Menu Keys:
Owner Key: 7 _
Member Key: 0 _

Generate Pass Ticket: _ _ _
Gen Qualified Pass Ticket: _ _ _

PF1=Help PF3=End PF4=Return PF7=Prev "CANCEL" cancel


STEP C: Define the sessions which are grouped into that Primary Menu

For a member menu containing a selection of CICS01:
- Create a session named CICS01.
On the 1st session detail panel.
- Set "Applid/Tier LVL" to the Applid of the TSO/Session.
- Set "Invisible" to "Yes" to avoid showing this session on the primary menu.

TPX Userid Maintenance Detail Panel
Panelid - TEN0124
Command ===> Userid - USER
Termid - TERM001
Userid: USER Session: CICS01 <New> Date -
Time -
Profile Application System
Defaults Defaults Defaults
Applid/Tier LVL: CICSA__ ________
Timeout min.: ______ ______ ______ 999999
Modent name: ________ ________ ________
Sesskey: PF __ __ __
Start at signon: _ _
Startup ACL: ________ ________ ________
ACL Userid: ________ ________
ACL Password: ________ ________
Term ACL: ________ ________ ________
ACB Mask: ________ ________
KeepACB: _ _ _______
Invisible: Y _

PF1=Help PF3=End PF4=Return PF8=Next Page "CANCEL" cancel


On the 3rd session detail panel
- Set Member Key to 7 (which is identical to the value of the Owner Key for the TPXTIER0 session defined above). This lets the session CICS01 appear as entry in the submenu of TPXTIER0 when selected.

TPX Userid Maintenance Detail Panel
Panelid - TEN0127
Command ===> Userid - USER
Termid - TERM001
Userid: USER Session: CICS01 <New> Date -
Applid: CICSA Time -

Profile Application System
Defaults Defaults Defaults
Tiered Menu Keys:
Owner Key: _ _
Member Key: 7 _

Generate Pass Ticket: _ _ _
Gen Qualified Pass Ticket: _ _ _

PF1=Help PF3=End PF4=Return PF7=Prev "CANCEL" cancel


STEP D: Create a submenu entry that allows to go back to the Main menu

Create a new session entry named RETURN or BACK (the name can be any but it should be intuitive).

- On the first session detail panel set field "Applid/Tier LVL" to TPXTIERX (TPXTIER is a keyword for tiered menus, the "X" indicates that this Session Entry appears in every submenu).
- Set field "Invisible" to "Y".

There is nothing further to do, the session named RETURN will appear automatically on every submenu.

TPX Userid Maintenance Detail Panel
Panelid - TEN0124
Command ===> Userid - USER
Termid - TERM001
Userid: USER Session: RETURN Date -
Time -
Profile Application System
Defaults Defaults Defaults
Applid/Tier LVL: TPXTIERX ________
Timeout min.: ______ ______ ______ 999999
Modent name: ________ ________ ________
Sesskey: PF __ __ __
Start at signon: _ _
Startup ACL: ________ ________ ________
ACL Userid: ________ ________
ACL Password: ________ ________
Term ACL: ________ ________ ________
ACB Mask: ________ ________
KeepACB: _ _ _______
Invisible: Y _

PF1=Help PF3=End PF4=Return PF8=Next Page "CANCEL" cancel


The structure of the TPX Main Menu now looks like:

Main Menu Submenu
CICS ------> CICS1


Repeat Step C for every application you want to have appear under entry CICS in the Main Menu.

Additional Information

Since Invisible is an important parameter when using tiered menus, do not allow users to change that field.  Limit this in their self-maintenance class. 
KB000061052 How many submenus can I create in TPX using Tiered Menus?
TPX 5.4 Implement Tiered Menus