What is the impact of changing the IP address of the server running NSM components?
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What is the impact of changing the IP address of the server running NSM components?


Article ID: 51476


Updated On:


CA Unicenter NSM



The solution describes updates needed to NSM components when the servers running those components are changing their IP address.


Here is a checklist for the NSM components when changing the IP addresses on the server where they are running:


Please refer to the support.ca.com Technical Document TEC485860 at the URL:

Document ID: TEC485860
Title: When an IP address changes for an monitored agent computer, what steps need to be followed?

Please check these files for hardcoded IP addresses:
quick.cfg, aws_sadmin.cfg, aws_snmp.cfg, and cam.cfg.

Then delete the servers and rediscover them.


  • For the NSM 3.x Agent computers you must change the trap destination and recycle the services.
  • For NSM R11 agents, the DSM should be able to auto-configure the aws_sadmin on the agent machines to send traps to the new IP as long as:
    AutoConfigTrapDest=yes in the atmanager.ini (which is the default).


Refer to the support.ca.com Technical Document TEC437461 at the URL:

Document ID: TEC437461
Title: How to configure Unicenter Management Portal if the IP_Address of the hosting server is changed?


Unicenter Enterprise Management is based on hostname.
Changing the IP address should have no impact on EM. This should be seamless.

However, the Technical Document TEC511001 should also be reviewed, at:

  1. Please run the commands:

    unicntrl stop all
    ccicntrl stop alll
    unicntrl start all
    ccicntrl start all

  2. Make sure that the CA-Unicenter WorldView agent is running.

    The unifstat command should list the WVDMN daemon as ACTIVE:

    %CASP_I_124, Component Information for WVDMN
    %CASP_I_125, Description: WorldView Agent Services
    %CASP_I_126, Current State: 500 - ACTIVE
    %CASP_I_127, Events Queued: 0
    %CASP_I_128, Requisites: 0
    %CASP_I_129, SubComponents: 0


If the IP address of the MDB server changes, you must delete it in the 2DMap and MCC.

Rediscover the MDB server into the MDB.

If using NSM Continuous Discovery, you will not need to do anything because NSM Continuous Discovery would do this automatically.


If the DSM has changed it's IP Address:

  1. Delete the DSM server from the MDB and rediscover that server.

  2. Check the configuration files, if you are binding the IP on the DSM name check these files:

    %AGENTWORKS_DIR%\services\config\aws_snmp\aws_snmp.cfg (IP_TO_BIND)

  3. If the DSM is polling NSM r11 agents using DIA, it is important to make sure that DIA is working correctly, otherwise the DSM may not discover the agents.

    Use these tools to ensure that communication can be established:

    pingagt <agentMachineName>

    If the agent computer name appears in the diahosts output, then the DSM will use DIA to discover the agents (UseSnmp=3 in atservices.ini, Using both is the default)

  4. Run the setdsmname command and make sure that the DSM_Address property is properly picked up as the correct new address under the properties of some of the agent computers and agents.

  5. On the DSM server, run the command:

    resetdsm init


For Performance Manager, follow the procedure on the Performance Manager server, running Performance Scope, Trend and Configuration:

Performance Manager:

  1. Back up the data directory: x:\Program Files\CA\Unicenter NSM\appdata\domainserver

  2. You can change IP Address of performance manager server, but make sure to stop awservices on the Performance Manager server:

    awservices stop

  3. Run following commands from a command prompt after stopping awservices:


  4. Check tha the cam.cfg file (if it exists) is reflecting the new IP Address.

  5. Change the IP Address and reboot the server.

  6. If the MDB and Performance Manager are running on the same server, you must delete this server from 2DMap and rediscover the Performance Manager with the new IP Address.

  7. Test if CAM is reflecting the new IP aaddress:

    c:\>camping -n new_ipaddress_of_manager

Performance Agent Sides:

  1. Recycle CAM and CAFT on all agents computers because they might be using old IP addresses and communicating with a performance manager server using their old IP addresses.

    In that case, perform following steps on all agents:

    C:/>awservices stop
    C:/>cam start
    C:/>awservices start

  2. Check if the cam.cfg file (if it exist) contains the new IP address of the Performance Manager server.

    Note: You must make sure that DNS name resolution resolves to the new IP address from all agents after the changes have been made.

  3. Test the CAM connection with the following command:

    camping -n new_ipaddress_of_manager

  4. The camping command should resolve to the new IP address of the manager for all agents. But if it is still pointing to an old Performance Manager server, then the only option left is to manually edit the registry on the agent box to point to new manager server:


  5. On UNIX agents the $AGENTWORKS_DIR/agents/config/hpa/manager file must be updated with the new server name/ip address.

  6. Then rename \Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\CCS\AT\agents\config\hpa\hpaagent.cfg to hpaagent.cfg.old

  7. Recycle the Performance agents:

    hpaagent stop/start
    prfagent stop/start

  8. Then try to deploy the profile again from Performance configuration.


Component: CCSAT