Installation/Upgrade fails with the following error at "com.niku.xog.client.XOGAdminClient.processFileDescriptors..." in the install.log
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Installation/Upgrade fails with the following error at "com.niku.xog.client.XOGAdminClient.processFileDescriptors..." in the install.log


Article ID: 51472


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise



Installation/Upgrade fails with the following error:

6/03/10 4:55 PM (ExecTask) Process: D:\Clarity\database\sql\GENERATE_CMN_SEQ_TABLES.xml6/03/10 4:55 PM (ExecTask)6/03/10 4:55 PM (ExecTask) Total time: 0H:0M:1S6/03/10 4:56 PM (ExecTask) Applying <xogfile>.xml6/03/10 4:56 PM (ExecTask) Error Applying XOG: Failure occurred while applying <xogfile>.xml6/03/10 4:56 PM (ExecTask) Check D:\Clarity/META-INF/rqrmnt/db/xog-seeddata/out\<xogfile>_out.xml for errors6/03/10 4:56 PM (ExecTask) Exception in thread "main" com.niku.xog.XOGException: Failure occurred while applying <xogfile>.xml6/03/10 4:56 PM (ExecTask) Check D:\Clarity/META-INF/rqrmnt/db/xog-seeddata/out\<xogfile>_out.xml for errors6/03/10 4:56 PM (ExecTask) at com.niku.xog.client.XOGAdminClient.processFileDescriptors( 4:56 PM (ExecTask) at com.niku.xog.client.XOGAdminClient.execute( 4:56 PM (ExecTask) at com.niku.xog.client.XOGAdminClient.main(

It's important to review the error in the the following folder:
X:\...\Clarity/META-INF/rqrmnt/db/xog-seeddata/ out\<xogfile>_out.xml

The following error will be shown:

[...]<ErrorInformation><Severity>FATAL</Severity><Description>User: admin does not have necessary rights to perform this operation</Description><Exception>contentPack XOG Failed.</Exception></ErrorInformation>[...]



Release: NCSVCS05900-8.1-Clarity-Service Connect-for MS-SQL


If the admin users don't have XOG admin rights, the installation will fail with such error.

Add for ALL admin users all XOG rights possible.