Error message: The bus IMSBus denied an anonymous user access to the bus
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Error message: The bus IMSBus denied an anonymous user access to the bus


Article ID: 51385


Updated On:


CA Directory CA Identity Manager CA Identity Governance CA Identity Portal CA Risk Analytics CA Secure Cloud SaaS - Arcot A-OK (WebFort) CLOUDMINDER ADVANCED AUTHENTICATION CA Secure Cloud SaaS - Advanced Authentication CA Secure Cloud SaaS - Identity Management CA Secure Cloud SaaS - Single Sign On CA Security Command Center CA Data Protection (DataMinder) CA User Activity Reporting



This error may appear when Identity Manager (IDM) is being started-up on WebSphere (WAS) because security on the "IMSBus," which is the enterprise messaging bus for IDM, is enabled.

The error will show up on the WAS System.out log like this:

0000018 ActivationSpe E J2CA0138E: The MessageEndpoint activation failed for ActivationSpec jms/wpServAutoActActSpec
( and MDB Application IdentityMinder#wpServer.jar#ServerAutomatedActivityMDBean, due to the
following exception: javax.resource.ResourceException: CWSIV0958E: The authorization exception CWSIP0303E: No user specified when creating a connection to secure messaging engine FHQRATETADM01Node01.server1-IMSBus on bus IMSBus. was thrown while attempting to create a connection to messaging engine 03226138A1E0C624 using the activation specification.


Component: IDMGR



To disable security on the "IMSBus", login to the WAS Administrative Console and navigate to Service Integration->Buses->IMSBus and clear the Secure check box and save your changes.