Change unload and load temporary dataset from tracks to cylinders using RC/Migrator
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Change unload and load temporary dataset from tracks to cylinders using RC/Migrator


Article ID: 51338


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RC/Migrator for DB2 for z/OS RC Compare for DB2 for z/OS


RC/Migrator for Db2 for z/OS (RCM) uses MODELS in order to generate the Batch Processor code required to run the various utilities needed to carry out a strategy.
Four of these models include LOAD, UNLOAD, FUNLD and FLOAD. These utilities are IBM Load, Batch Processor Unload, Fast Unload and Fast Load respectively.
All these utilities use temporary datasets during their execution to carry out their functions. The RC/Migrator models come with temporary dataset allocations which
are set to use TRACKS or BLOCKS as allocation units. It may be a requirement at a site to have these default settings changed to utilize CYLINDERS instead.


To change the standard model start at the RC/Migrator main menu and enter option 0 - Profile. Then enter option 6 - Utility Model Services.
Select the MODEL where the changes are required and use the "U" line command to go into update mode.
The "T" template command can also be used to make a working copy of an existing model so that other users are not impacted by the change.
When inside a model a list of MODEL utility elements is displayed.
The four utility elements that may need this change are UNLOAD, LOAD, FUNLD and FLOAD and will be described in order.

On a 3390 storage device there are:

15 tracks per cylinder.
56,664 Bytes per track
849,960 Bytes per Cylinder
210 x 4096 blocks per Cylinder


Use the "S" line command to display the "General Model Symbols" screen. Check the unload dataset space formula (ULDSP1 and ULDSP2) and make sure that %BYTETRK is used,
if not, add this back into the formula according to the standard model that comes with RCM called @DEFAULT. Change the "/100" part of the original formula to "/1500".
PF3 back one screen and then "E" edit the UNLOAD element. Scroll down the code till you see the word "TRACKS" following the .ALLOC FI(PTIUNLD) statement and change it to CYL.
Make sure you don't remove the "+" sign at from the line. PF3 back to the utility list.

The change in the model calc symbols will look like this:

ULDSP1 %CALC(%ROWLEN*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*40/100+1)         
ULDSP1 %CALC(%ROWLEN*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*40/1500+1)       


Use the "S" line command to display the "General Model Symbols" screen. Check the load dataset space formula (DISCSP1 and DISCSP2) and make sure that %BYTETRK is used,
if not, add this back into the formula according to the standard model that comes with RCM called @DEFAULT. Change the "/100" part of the original formula to "/1500".

DISCSP1 %CALC(%ROWLEN+6*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*10/100+1)       
DISCSP1 %CALC(%ROWLEN+6*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*10/1500+1)       

There are other allocations to look at including ERRSP1 and ERRSP2, MAPSP1 and MAPSP2. Note that OUTSP1 and OUTSP2 are already calculated in Cylinders.

The changes used on DISCSP1 and 2 don't work on these datasets.

Since the SYSERR and SYSMAP datasets are allocated as a BLK(4096) instead of tracks the space formula conversion is different. There are 210 x 4096 blocks in 1 cylinder '*1/210' the SYSERR and SYSMAP formulas are changed as follows:

ERRSP1 %CALC(%NROWS*560/4096*30/100+1)       
ERRSP2 %CALC(%NROWS*560/4096*40/100+1)  
ERRSP1 %CALC(%NROWS*560/4096*30/100*1/210+1)       
ERRSP2 %CALC(%NROWS*560/4096*40/100*1/210+1)  
MAPSP1 %CALC(%NROWS*21/4096*30/100+1)       
MAPSP2 %CALC(%NROWS*21/4096*40/100+1)  
MAPSP1 %CALC(%NROWS*21/4096*30/100*1/210+1)       
MAPSP2 %CALC(%NROWS*21/4096*40/100*1/210+1)  

While here change the DISCSP3, ERRSP3 and MAPSP3 symbolics from TRACKS to CYL.

PF3 back to the utility list.


The same procedure as for UNLOAD is used here in changing the ALLOC1 and ALLOC2 formula values and the allocation of SYSREC01 for the change to cylinders.

Use the "S" line command to display the "General Model Symbols" screen. Check the unload dataset space formula (ALLOC1 and ALLOC2 ) and make sure that %BYTETRK is used, if not, add this back into the formula according to the standard model that comes with RCM called @DEFAULT.
Change the "/100" part of the original formula to "/1500".

PF3 back one screen and then "E" edit the UNLOAD element.

Scroll down the code till you see the word "TRACKS" following the .ALLOC FI(SYSREC01) statement and change it to CYL. Make sure you don't remove the "+" sign at from the line.
PF3 back to the utility list.

The change in the model calc symbols will look like this:

ALLOC1 %CALC(%ROWLEN+6*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*30/100+1)       
ALLOC1 %CALC(%ROWLEN+6*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*30/1500+1)       


Use the "S" line command to display the "General Model Symbols" screen. Check the dataset space formulas on all five formula groups and make sure that %BYTETRK is used, if not, add this back into the formula according to the standard model that comes with RCM called @DEFAULT.

There are other allocations to look at including DISCSP1,DISCSP2 and ERRSP1 , ERRSP2 and MAPSP1 , MAPSP2 and RECSP1, RECSP2. Note that %UT1SP1 and %UT1SP2 are already allocated in Cylinders.

Change the "/100" part of the original formula to "/1500".
PF3 back one screen and then "E" edit the FLOAD element.
Scroll down the code till you see the word "TRACKS" following the .ALLOC statements.
There will be five to change from TRACKS to CYL. Make sure you don't remove the "+" sign at from the lines.
PF3 back to the utility list.

DISCSP1 %CALC(%ROWLEN+6*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*10/100+1)       
DISCSP1 %CALC(%ROWLEN+6*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*10/1500+1)       
ERRSP1 %CALC(15000+(%NROWS*15)/%BYTETRK*30/100+1)       
ERRSP2 %CALC(15000+(%NROWS*15)/%BYTETRK*40/100+1)  
ERRSP1 %CALC(15000+(%NROWS*15)/%BYTETRK*30/1500+1)       
ERRSP2 %CALC(15000+(%NROWS*15)/%BYTETRK*40/1500+1)  
MAPSP1 %CALC(290+(%NROWS*145)/%BYTETRK*30/100+1)       
MAPSP2 %CALC(290+(%NROWS*145)/%BYTETRK*40/100+1)  
MAPSP1 %CALC(290+(%NROWS*145)/%BYTETRK*30/1500+1)       
MAPSP2 %CALC(290+(%NROWS*145)/%BYTETRK*40/1500+1)  
RECSP1 %CALC(%ROWLEN+13*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*30/100+1)       
RECSP1 %CALC(%ROWLEN+13*%NROWS/%BYTETRK*30/1500+1)       

When the changes have been completed PF3 back to Utility Model Services.
The model has now been changed, saved and is ready to use in an analysis.

Additional Information

Model Utilities Data Sets