Error "Not Authorized for service" on running a TEWS Public Task
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Error "Not Authorized for service" on running a TEWS Public Task


Article ID: 51237


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When running the SelfRegistration XML sample, I am getting a response code of 500 and the resulting SOAP response comes back with a "Not authorized for service" fault code.


Component: IDMGR


Since the self registration task is a public task, check that the URL for the TEWS post contains the public alias for your Identity Manager environment instead of the private alias.
So the SOAP request should go to: http://<MachineName>:9080/idm/TEWS6/publicalias/ and NOT: http://<MachineName>:9080/idm/TEWS6/privatealias/.

If you are using our sample file in the /tools/samples/webservices/XML folder, the environment name should be set to the private alias.