OPSMVS - OPSNOTIFY - 'Primary OPSLOG is not the current LIVE OPSLOG'
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OPSMVS - OPSNOTIFY - 'Primary OPSLOG is not the current LIVE OPSLOG'


Article ID: 51224


Updated On:


OPS/MVS Event Management & Automation


Client notices an OPSNOTIFY - 'Primary OPSLOG is not the current LIVE OPSLOG' WTO message upon OPS startup.



Component: SOPMVS


Upon CA-OPS/MVS initialization, the primary OPSLOG is to be the designated live OPSLOG. The rule OPS3445O will trigger the OPS3445O OPS/REXX program to verify the status of the live OPSLOG. An error or warning alert will be generated by the program if the primary OPSLOG is not the current live OPSLOG. Additionally, an error or warning will be generated if the backup OPSLOG is not in a switchable status (not ACTIVE). The default logic of this application assumes that the primary designated OPSLOG will always be the live OPSLOG upon CA-OPS/MVS initialization. It would be up to the client to change this default logic if not suitable for their site-specfic configuration.


This message indicates the currently live OPSLOG is not the primary OPSLOG. This means the message OPS3445O occurred and the OPSLOG was switched to the secondary OPSLOG. 

The solution can be found in the comments section of the rule OPS3445O:

'Primary OPSLOG is not the current LIVE OPSLOG'     
  Upon CA-OPS/MVS initialization a query of the     
  primary OPSLOG found that it is not the current   
  live OPSLOG. The default logic of this application
  assumes that the primary designated OPSLOG will   
  always be the live OPSLOG upon CA-OPS/MVS         
  initialization. Determine if an archive of the    
  designated primary OPSLOG is needed, and then     
  perform a RESET and SETLIVE against it via the    
  OPSVIEW 4.13 panels.