Clarity: How to configure Incidents for Time Tracking?
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Clarity: How to configure Incidents for Time Tracking?


Article ID: 51218


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Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


How do we configure Clarity so that Incident records show up for entering time? When the Incident is created we don't see the 'Enter Time' button on the Incident Edit Layout page and we don't see the button on the Incident Effort tab. Also, when navigating to the Timesheet and clicking on the 'Add Incident' button, we don't see the Incident record listed.



Incidents will only show up for Time Tracking if the following items have been configured on the application:

Login as a Clarity Administrator user

  1. The Incident Category selected on the Incident record must be associated with a non-project investment (NPIO) Associate the Incident Category with an Investment:

    1. Create a non-project investment, such as an Application, Asset, Idea, Other Work, Product, Service.

    2. Navigate to Admin Tool > Incidents > Select the appropriate Incident Category.

    3. Click 'Associated Investments' link > Click 'browse' icon to add the NPIO.

  2. The application must have Open Time Reporting Periods.

    1. Admin Tool > Time Reporting Periods.

    2. Create 'Open' Time Reporting Periods.

  3. The end-user must have the following security access rights for entering Incident Effort (time)

    (this is the minimum security rights needed for an end-user to enter time for Assigned Incidents)

    1. Admin Tool > Resources.

    2. Instance Right: Resource - Enter Time.

    3. Global Rights: Incidents - Access, Timesheets - Navigate.

  4. 4. The end-user's profile must be Open for Time Entry and Track Mode set to Clarity.

    1. Main Application > Resources > Select the appropriate resource.

    2. Update Open for Time Entry = true/checked and Track Mode = Clarity.

  5. Create a new Incident and assign to end-user.

    1. Main Application > Incidents.

    2. Click 'New' button > Complete required fields > Click 'Save' button.

    3. In the 'Assigned' field add the end-user to the Incident.

Login as the Timesheet End-user Assigned to the Incident

  1. End-user can now enter time on the Incident in the following locations:

    1. Main Application > Incidents > 'Assigned to Me' tab.

    2. Open the Incident Edit Layout page; the 'Enter Time' button appears as expected.

    3. Navigate to the Incident Effort Tab; the 'Enter Time' button appears as expected.

    4. Navigate to the Timesheets > Open a Timesheet > Click 'Add Incidents' button; the assigned Incident appears in the list.