IBM0206S ONCODE=86 Abend and U4038 when using SYSPRINT statements
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IBM0206S ONCODE=86 Abend and U4038 when using SYSPRINT statements


Article ID: 51180


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When attempting to write SYSPRINT statements to a dataset in any of the Repository batch jobs, your job(s) may abend with a U4038 and the following message
IBM0206S ONCODE=86 The UNDEFINEDFILE condition was raised

       because a LINESIZE or PAGESIZE argument was outside the defined

       limits (FILE=SYSPRINT).
You may find that when the JCL is executed without the dd SYSPRINT creating a DSN (SYSOUT=*), the step does not abend but writes the info to the JCL.



Component:  XTR


The implementation-defined maximum or minimum for the LINESIZE option of the ENVIRONMENT attribute was exceeded. For F-format and U-format records, the maximum is 32,759. For V-format records, the maximum is 32,751. When using MSGFILE(SYSPRINT), the maximum is 255. The minimum for V- and F-format records is 1. The minimum for V- format PRINT files is 9. The minimum for V-format non-PRINT files is 10. The ONCODE associated with this message is 86.