CA APAS Insight always reports ADABAS or ADATRUE in the PROGRAM data field for CICS transactions executing a COBOL program. Is it possible to report the name of the COBOL program that was executed instead of the program that accessed Adabas.
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CA APAS Insight always reports ADABAS or ADATRUE in the PROGRAM data field for CICS transactions executing a COBOL program. Is it possible to report the name of the COBOL program that was executed instead of the program that accessed Adabas.


Article ID: 51163


Updated On:


APAS Insight Monitor for Adabas PLEU



The CA APAS CICS link routine module, DBGLNCTS, provides several different options for determining what gets reported in the PROGRAM data field for CICS transactions. The default option is to report the name of the currently running program which is ADABAS for CICS environment that are running without ADATRUE and ADATRUE for those with the ADATRUE option implemented.


In the CA APAS CICS link routine module, DBGLNCTS, change the assembly option &PROGNM from SETC 'PROGRAM' to SETC 'INVOKING'. The INVOKING option provides the name of the program that Linked or XCTL to the currently executing program. Test this option to see if the correct program name is reported in the PROGRAM data field. If not, then try the INQPROG option. INQPROG returns the name of the program initiated by the current CICS transaction ID.

Use the following steps for modifying DBGLNCTS:

  1. Change the &PROGNM assembly option in DBGLNCTS in the CA APAS Source library.

  2. Assemble and link edit the updated DBGLNCTS source using the ASMLNCTS sample JCL provided in the CA APAS Source library.

  3. Relink the Adabas link routine module to include the modified DBGLNCTS module using the LNKLNCTS sample JCL provided in the CA APAS Source library.

  4. Recycle CICS and retest.


Component: APAS