Message PRF0167E Report Facility User not authorized for requested function Accessing ADMIN privileges
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Message PRF0167E Report Facility User not authorized for requested function Accessing ADMIN privileges


Article ID: 51127


Updated On:


Report Facility


Attempting to access the Report Facility (PRF) ADMIN privileges and is unable to access the System Profile or the User Profile.
The former Administrator is no longer with the company. The PRF0167E message indicates that the proper authorization is not given to
the user and therefore the user cannot perform the requested function.


The Administrator option is set within the User Profile.

First it must be determined who has User Profile access. This can be accomplished by executing the following SQL:

SELECT PRF_ID, PRF_TYPE                                        
      ,SUBSTR(PRF_DATA,639,1) AS ACCESS_CICS                   
      ,SUBSTR(PRF_DATA,640,1) AS ACCESS_IMS                    
      ,SUBSTR(PRF_DATA,641,1) AS ACCESS_TSO                    
WHERE ( PRF_TYPE = 'USER'                    
     OR PRF_TYPE = 'GRP ' )                  
  AND ( SUBSTR(PRF_DATA,639,1) = 'Y'         
     OR SUBSTR(PRF_DATA,640,1) = 'Y'         
     OR SUBSTR(PRF_DATA,641,1) = 'Y' );


Secondly, update the User Profile access for a specific user. This can be accomplished by executing the following SQL:

UPDATE PTI.PTPRF_LIB_ver                    -- Where Ver is the version of the tool, i.e. 1105, 1200, 1400?              
   SET PRF_DATA = SUBSTR(PRF_DATA,001,638) ||                                  
                  'YYY'                    ||     
                  SUBSTR(PRF_DATA,642    )                                     
 WHERE PRF_ID   = 'your user ID'                  -- replace with your TSO ID  
   AND PRF_TYPE = 'USER'                                                       