Which TPX exit should be used to set a virtual terminal unavailable after receiving a sense code 0805000B 'Session Limit Exceeded'?
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Which TPX exit should be used to set a virtual terminal unavailable after receiving a sense code 0805000B 'Session Limit Exceeded'?


Article ID: 51096


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



In the TPX sample library there are samples for the TPXUSIST exit as well as for the TPXUERR1 with code to set a VT unvailable after receiving a sense code 0805.

Which exit should I use?



Release: NVINAM00200-5.2-TPX-Session Management-Access Management package


 This depends on the way TPX is notified by VTAM for this condition.

If the error is reported by a TPXL0085 message then VTAM triggered our RPL ERROR exit and you should use TPXUERR1 exit.

If the error is reported by a TPXL0051 message then VTAM triggered our NOTIFY exit and you should use TPXUSIST exit.

Both exits can co-exist handling both the sense 0805 condition.