CA ESP Workload Automation System Agent started and went down with the following error;
Fatal: Stack size too small. Use 'java -Xss' to increase default stack size.
The error message indicates that the default Stack size is too small forcing the Agent to shutdown.
You can increase the default Stack size for the Agent processes by setting the parameter in the agentparm.txt file and re-starting the Agent.
oscomponent.jvm.x.options=-Xss<stack size>
Alternatively, add the Stack size value to the heap size parameters setting in the agentparm.txt thus;
"oscomponent.jvm.x.options=-Xms<initial heap size>;-Xmx<maximum heap size>;-Xss<stack size>"
And, restart the Agent.
Note: Try to determine the appropriate value for the Stack size as specifying a huge Stack size can make the Agent process fails. A recommended size is 128k.