What The Comment Field Is Used For?
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What The Comment Field Is Used For?


Article ID: 51033


Updated On:


ACF2 ACF2 - DB2 Option ACF2 for zVM ACF2 - z/OS ACF2 - MISC Top Secret Top Secret - LDAP


Received a "Modify Successful" message, but the data entered in the Comment field was not saved.

The Comment field was blank.

What is the Comment field used for?



Component: TSSWEB


The data specified in the Comment field is stored in the TSS command record on the CA Top Secret Recovery File as a comment for the TSS command.

For example:

Update acid USERA's INSTDATA field with '123-45-6789' and specify '123-45-6789' in the Comment field, TSSAUDIT CHANGES report would display the record as follows;

                           ----- LISTING OF CHANGES TO SECURITY FILE -----                                           
-CHANGER    DATE     TIME   SYSID TYPE                      COMMAND/IMAGE                                                            
 ======== ======== ======== ===== ==== ==========================================================
 TSSADMIN  0.12.16 10:05:56 XE20  CMND TSS REPLACE(USERA) INSTDATA(123-45-6789) /* ADDED ACCT# */