How do I send the CA DADS Plus for CICS DADS01 control file to CA technical support for problem recreation?
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How do I send the CA DADS Plus for CICS DADS01 control file to CA technical support for problem recreation?


Article ID: 51004


Updated On:


DADS Plus Telon Application Generator



Sometimes an end user will encounter a problem using CA DADS Plus for CICS and the problem cannot be reproduced here at CA.
In these cases CA support may request the clients DADS01 control file to attempt recreation of the reported problem using the clients DADS01 file.


The DADS01 control file is a VSAM KSDS variable length file RECSZ(0180 8185).
In order to send the DADS01 file to CA please do the following steps.

Create a sequential file FM=VB LRECL=8185 BLKSIZE=8189
IDCAMS REPRO your VSAM DADS01 file to the sequential file just created.
Use the IBM TRSMAIN utility to tersed the sequential file.
Note how many records were repro'd to the sequential file.
Upload the tersed sequential file to our FTP server and update the contact with the number of records repro'd to the sequential file.


Component: DADSPL