Prevent the Panvalet Load Module Auditor from being added to CICS map
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Prevent the Panvalet Load Module Auditor from being added to CICS map


Article ID: 50944


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The Panvalet load module auditor automatically adds a date/time stamp CSECT to the end of assembler modules.

This causes problems with CICS maps.  Can this Audit CSECT not be added?


Release: 14.6
Component:  Panvalet


There are 3 alternatives methods to eliminate the addition of the CSECT:

  1. Remove the "END" statement as the last line of the map or move it from starting in column 10.

  2. Define the map as language type DATA.

  3. Modify the load module auditor exits to bypass a CICS map. There are 2 exits: EFF001 is used by PAN#1 and PVLMAUD is used by the Panvalet subsystem.  CICS map can be identified by macro statements that start with DFH.

For documentation on PVLMAUD