If CA Workload Automation shuts down improperly, it can result in inconsistencies in the database. This can result in several issues, such as events not triggering properly to server shutdown.
Cold start is then required to clear these inconsistencies and errors in the database.
Workload Automation Agent
To do a cold start of CA Workload Automation, rename the runonce.properties.bak to runonce.properties.bak in the install directory.
Start the CA WA.
Note: For high availability configuration, do this on both servers.
Cold start will do the following:
Users can query ESP_APPLICATION table in the CA WA database to see all the historical data. Here is a query that will select all the rows from the defined date:
(Note: Change '06-NOV-10' to date that is more suitable.)
All events can be triggered with SCHEDULEALLEVENTS from CLI. This will only schedule all the events, and NOT trigger them. Events will trigger as per schedule.
If a user executes SCHEDULEALLEVENTS at 1PM, then an event that is supposed to trigger at 02:00 p.m., will get scheduled to run at 02:00 p.m. It will not execute at 01:00 p.m.
For additional information on topic of COLD START, please reference https://techdocs.broadcom.com/us/en/ca-enterprise-software/intelligent-automation/ca-workload-automation-de/12-4/controlling/starting-the-server/cold-and-warm-start.html.