Is there any ldapsearch command to list CA Top Secret acids which name have a specific prefix?
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Is there any ldapsearch command to list CA Top Secret acids which name have a specific prefix?


Article ID: 50922


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Is there any sample ldapsearch command to list CA Top Secret acids which name have a specific prefix?




Component: TSSLDP


Here's a sample ldapsearch command to list acids which name starts with H;

ldapsearch -x -D cn=admuser -w admpswd -h hostname -p 389 -s one -b "tssadmingrp=acids,host=xxxx,o=yyy,c=zz" (tssacid=H*)

You can see other sample ldapsearch commands for various cases in the pages for Sample CA LDAP Server Search Commands in the chapter for CATSS_UTF Back-end in CA LDAP Server for z/OS Product Guide.