How to verify if AutosysCommandSponsor working on AutoSys
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How to verify if AutosysCommandSponsor working on AutoSys


Article ID: 50888


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CA Workload Automation AE - Scheduler (AutoSys) Autosys Workload Automation


The AutosysCommandSponsor is one of the key components involved in the communication for CA Workload Control Center ECLI. This document illustrates the procedures to verify if CommandSponsor is working on CA Workload Automation AE machine.


Component: ATSYS


On UNIX Machines:

  1. Source the WAAE environment variables
  2. Go to the iTechnology directory (default directory is /opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology
  3. Execute the " -t"
  4. Type a valid UNIX login id that has access to the AutoSys binaries and press the Enter key
  5. Type the password for the UNIX login id that was entered in step 4 and press the Enter key
  6. Type an AutoSys command and press the Enter key
  7. Type ENDOFTRANSMISSION and press the Enter key

Here is an example:

# . /opt/CA/WorkloadAutomationAE/autouser.PRD/
# cd /opt/CA/SharedComponents/iTechnology
# ./ -t
CAUAJM_I_50054 Attempting (1) to Connect with Database: WAAE
CAUAJM_I_50055 *** Have Connected successfully with Database: WAAE. ***

CAUAJM_I_50128 Connected with Event Server: WAAE

CAUAJM_I_50038 Checking CA WAAE Primary Scheduler on Machine:
CAUAJM_I_50044 Primary Scheduler is RUNNING on machine:


On Windows Machines:

  1. Go to an AutoSys command prompt
  2. Go to the iTechnology directory (default directory is C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\iTechnology
  3. Execute AutoSysCommandWrapper.exe
  4. Enter a valid Windows login if that has access to the AutoSys binaries and press the Enter key
  5. Enter the password for the Windows login id that was entered in step 4 and press the Enter key
  6. Enter an AutoSys command and press the Enter key
  7. Enter the keyword ENDOFTRANSMISSION and press the Enter key

Here is an example:

C:\PROGRA~1\CA\UNICEN~1.TST>cd \Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\iTechnology
C:\Program Files\CA\SharedComponents\iTechnology>AutoSysCommandWrapper.exe
CAUAJM_I_50054 Attempting (1) to Connect with Database: WAAE
CAUAJM_I_50055 *** Have Connected successfully with Database: WAAE. ***

CAUAJM_I_50128 Connected with Event Server: WAAE

CAUAJM_I_50038 Checking CA WAAE Primary Scheduler on Machine:
CAUAJM_I_50044 Primary Scheduler is RUNNING on machine:


If the above commands do not work, here is the information that you will need to gather to have when opening up an issue:

  1. What version of AutoSys is installed on this machine
  2. What platform did you install the CommandLine Sponsor on
  3. igateway.log along with message return by the AutoSysCommandWrapper script.
  4. Is EEM installed on this machine

Note: The most common AutoSys commands to attempt to test with the CommandLine Sponsor are autoflags, chk_auto_up, or autorep -J <AutoSys Job Name>.

Additional Information

It is recommended to enable the debug on igateway to capture complete details in case of errors:
To enable the debug: ​​
  • ./S99igateway stop
  • Update "log4cplus.rootLogger=ERROR" to "log4cplus.rootLogger=DEBUG"
  • Increase the igateway.log File Limitations. 
    • log4cplus.appender.ServerLogFile.MaxFileSize=5MB to log4cplus.appender.ServerLogFile.MaxFileSize=100MB
    • log4cplus.appender.ServerLogFile.MaxBackupIndex=5 to log4cplus.appender.ServerLogFile.MaxBackupIndex=10
  • Save the file
  • Restart the igewate process
    • ./S99igateway start
Take a backup of file "$IGW_LOC/"