While trying to create a connection profile with DB2 in Datamaker, I am receiving the following error message, despite being able to successfully connect to and ping DB2 outside of the tool:
FATAL CA Test Data Manager- Datamaker logon error
Cannot connect using supplied values.
Profile: x
odbc: -30081
[IBM][CLI Driver] SQL30081N A communication error has been detected. Communication protocol being used: "TCP/IP". Communication API being used: "SOCKETS". Location where the error was detected: "10.xxx.xxx.xx". Communication function detecting the error: "recv". Protocol specific error code(s): "10054", "*", "0". SQLSTATE=08001
When using DB2, you will need to use an ODBC DBMS profile connection, or you will receive this error message.
Here is further information from IBM on this error message:
Use an ODBC DBMS profile connection:
If you experience any further issues, please open a support case by going to https://support.broadcom.com