Procedure to start and stop Detector collection using MVS Modify commands within a Batch job
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Procedure to start and stop Detector collection using MVS Modify commands within a Batch job


Article ID: 50826


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Detector for DB2 for z/OS Subsystem Analyzer for DB2 for z/OS Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite Database Management for DB2 for z/OS - SQL Performance Suite


Recommended process to start and stop Detector for Db2 for z/OS (PDT) collections using MVS Modify commands within a batch job.


Stop or start Detector collections using MVS Modify commands by running the batch job below.

The Xmanager STC/Job must already be running. To simplify the process, place your start MVS Modify commands into a member
of your <hlq>.CDBAPXMP library. The start MVS Modify commands are described in the Detector User Guide - Using -
Using MVS Modify Commands to Control Collection - START(DTR) Command - Start Collection section.

The format of the command to run a member that contains Detector start commands is:

F <xmanager>,RUN(PDS Member Containing the Start Commands)

The sample JCL below will run member $STRTPDT (which contains start commands for a Detector collection) from hlq.CDBAPXMP.
The name of the Xmanager is PTXMAN20:

/*$VS,'F <xmanager>,RUN($STRTPDT)' 


The sample JCL below is an example of executing a Modify command instream to load a Detector Collection Profile:

/*$VS,'F <xmanager>,PROF(DTR),PRF(collprof),DB2(ssid)' ' 

Additional Information

Using MVS Modify Commands to Control Collection 

Verify the Xmanager Initialization