TPX main MENU Status Flags
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TPX main MENU Status Flags


Article ID: 50773


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TPX - Session Management



The Status column on the TPX MENU provides some indicators of activity or condition of your applications.
These conditions can be caused for several reasons.


Component: CA TPX for Z/OS


Status Indicator Descriptions:

ACL - Indicates that an ACL program is running in the session.
N/A - Indicates that the application is Not Available.
O/P - Appears when new Output has arrived in the session.
PASS - Means that this is a PASS mode session.
Q/S - Indicates that the application has been Quiesced under TPX.

The status of each application can be maintained individually by using the ACT "Inquire on Application" status parameter.

Inquire on application status tells TPX whether to issue the VTAM INQUIRE APPLSTAT macro for this application.

  • If you specify N, both session setup and application status-checking will bypass the VTAM INQUIRE.
    This means that the status field on the TPX Menu will not be maintained for this application.

  • In SNA environments where the application is either on a back-level host or is not normally activated by VTAM, specify N to avoid extensive search activity.