How can I rename a session in a TPX Menu?
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How can I rename a session in a TPX Menu?


Article ID: 50688


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



Under certain circumstances there may be a requirement to rename a TPX session for an individual user.


Background information:  A session name is assigned in the ACT table, for the specific applications.  This is the global default.

However, if there is a PROFILE or USER override specified, then the session name can be acquired from either of these, as
they take precedence.  Note:  ACT, PROFILE, USER is the selection order.
To RENAME a session, a user with administrative authority to maintain other users would perform these steps:
  1. Select TPXADMIN.

  2. Select 1 TPX User/Group Maintenance.

  3. Select 3 User Maintenance.

  4. Enter the appropriate userID on field:  Enter Userid to administer or '?' for list ===>

  5. Once on the TPX User Maintenance menu, select 2 TPX Session Options.

  6. Enter the new session name on field Command ===>  (for example, Command ===> S NSESSION)

  7. Enter the 'copy from' session name on field Command ===>  (for example, Command ===> COPY OSESSION)

  8. Enter the new session characteristics as needed and save it pressing F3.

  9. Delete the old session entering 'd' in front of the old session name.

  10. Press F3 various times until logged off.

  11. Log on to the modified userID to verify and test these changes.



Component: TLVIEW


See Solution above.