How to register a new owner to the Spectrum process daemon on Windows
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How to register a new owner to the Spectrum process daemon on Windows


Article ID: 50649


Updated On:


CA Spectrum DX NetOps


How to register a new owner to the Spectrum process deamon on Windows


Release: Any version installed on Windows
Component: SPCAPP


1. Log into the system as a user with local Administration rights

2. Shutdown the Spectrum processd service if running

3. Start a bash shell by running "bash -login

4. cd to the $SPECROOT/lib/SDPM directory and enter the following command where [new user name] is the new user name and [new password] is the password for the new user

./processd.exe -install -username [new user name] -password [new password]

5. Start the Spectrum processd service

Additional Information

Please reference the "Change the Windows Password in Processd" section of the documentation for more information.