Can I change the TPX VSAM files to use SPANNED records rather than NONSPANNED?
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Can I change the TPX VSAM files to use SPANNED records rather than NONSPANNED?


Article ID: 50647


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS


Can I change the TPX VSAM files to use SPANNED records rather than NONSPANNED?



Component: TLVIEW


No. TPX code does not support SPANNED records. The VSAM files must be defined with NONSPANNED records.

However, the TPX VSAM files can be defined with a bigger maximum record size if you are getting error 'MENG0004 VSAM access error. RTNCD=8, REASON=108'. (See KD What does 'MENG0004 VSAM access error. RTNCD=8, REASON=108' mean when trying to save a table in TPXADMIN?)

IDCAMS: RECORDSIZE(avg max) (Abbreviation=RECSZ) - supplies the average and maximum record size for a cluster being defined or altered.

  • The maximum value allowed for non-spanned records is 32,761.

  • The maximum value allowed for records is the number of CI's per CA times the CI size minus 10. If the 'avg' and 'max' record size values are the same, then IDCAMS defines the cluster as having fixed-length records.

  • The default for 'avg' and 'max' is 4086 and 32,600 for spanned records, and 4089 and 4089 for non-spanned records.