What is the difference between Static Users and Saved Dynamic Users?
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What is the difference between Static Users and Saved Dynamic Users?


Article ID: 50645


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Teleview TELEVIEW- PACKAGE TPX - Session Management Vman Session Management for z/OS



Saved Dynamic Users and Static Users are all saved in the TPX VSAM files. What is the difference?


For a Saved Dynamic User, TPX goes thru the same process to dynamically choose the profiles for the user when they logon as it would for a dynamic user that is not saved (default dynamic user profile and exit TPXUSNSF). By saving the user on the TPX VSAM files, the user is able to continue using their overrides to PF keys, etc, from session to session.

For a Static User, TPX pulls the profiles for that user from their VSAM record.

So the benefits of using Saved Dynamic Users instead of Static Users are:

  • You do not need to set up a new user before they logon the first time.

  • If you change the profiles that are dynamically assigned to users, all Saved Dynamic Users will pick up on the change since TPX dynamically determines profiles at each logon. A Static user will continue to use the same profiles that are defined in their user record. To change the static user's profiles you would need to manually update their record or do it via batch TPX.


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