Is there a document or a link to see all the alarms and/or events that are in my CA Spectrum installation?
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Is there a document or a link to see all the alarms and/or events that are in my CA Spectrum installation?


Article ID: 50642


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Is there a document or a link to see all the alarms and/or events that are in my CA Spectrum installation?


Release: Any


There is no Spectrum document or link to see all the alarms and/or events that are in a CA Spectrum installation.

The $SPECROOT/SS/CsVendor and $SPECROOT/custom/Events directories contain the EventDisp files on how specific events are to be processed either globally or model type specific. 

The $SPECROOT/SG-Support/CsEvFormat and $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsEvFormat directories contain the Event Format template files used to display the events in OneClick, Alarm Notifier and other Spectrum application and log the events in the DDM data.

The $SPECROOT/SG-Support/CsPCause and $SPECROOT/custom/Events/CsPCause directories contain the Probable Cause files used when an event asserts an alarm to display the Symptoms, Probable Causes and Recommended Actions for the alarm.

The Event Configuration editor can be used to see how all of the above files are tied together.

After launching the Event Configuration editor, right mouse click on any of the column headers in the Navigation tab and display only the Event Code, Cause Code and Event Message columns.

Then, sort on the Cause Code column. Any entry in the list that has the Cause Code column populated is an event that generates an alarm.

You can click on the Export icon (the one that looks like a file folder) and export the information to a csv file format that you can then open in Excel.

The following is an example:

Additional Information

Please reference the "Event Configuration" section of the documentation for more information.