Can alarms in Spectrum OneClick be escalated to Level 2 and Level 3 teams automatically from within an organization?
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Can alarms in Spectrum OneClick be escalated to Level 2 and Level 3 teams automatically from within an organization?


Article ID: 50639


Updated On:


CA Spectrum


Can alarms in Spectrum OneClick be escalated to Level 2 and Level 3 teams automatically from within an organization?

If an alarm triggers in OneClick and if it is not acknowledged, there may be a need to escalate the alarm to the next level. The solution described here will help us to notify the Level 2 and Level 3 teams within an internal organization if an alarm was not taken care of for a certain duration.


Release: Any
Component: SPCAEM


Please follow the below steps in order to escalate the alarm to L 2 and L 3 teams if it has not been acknowledged for a certain duration

  1. There will be an acknowledged event generated whenever an alarm is acknowledged.

  2. This Acknowledged event is hidden by default.

  3. Enable the Acknowledged event using the below process.

    The Acknowledged event is hidden from the Events tab by default. It is the 0x10707 (0x10703) event.

    1. Find and select the model.

    2. Click on the Events tab in the Component Detail panel.

    3. Click on the Filter icon.

    4. Click on the Event Type tab.

    5. Remove the 0x10703, 0x10705 and 0x10707 events from the list (All are the same).

    6. Click the OK button.

      You should now see the Alarm Acknowledged events displayed in the Events tab when an alarm is Acknowledged.

  4. From the Event Cnfiguration editor, filter the event that you want to escalate to the L2 and L3 teams. For example 0x10d35 (Device not responding to poll).

  5. Create a new event stating something like "Device not responding to poll alarm has not been Acknowledged" (0xfff00001).

  6. Create one more new event called "Device not responding to poll alarm was still not Acknowledged (0xfff00002).

  7. On the original event (0x10d35) create an event pair rule such that "If 0x10d35 occurs and if it is not followed by 0x00010703
    (Acknowledged event) for 'T" seconds generate the new event created in step 5.

  8. Use Spectrum Alarm Notification Manager (SANM) to notify the new 0xfff00001 event to the L 2 team.

  9. Go to the event created in step 5 and create an event pair rule such that "if 0xfff00001 occurs and if it is not followed by 0x00010703
    (Acknowledged event) for 'T" seconds generate the new event 0xfff00002.

  10. Use SANM to notify the 0xfff00002 event to the L 3 team.

Additional Information

Please reference the "Event Configuration" and "Spectrum Alarm Notification Manager (SANM)" sections of the documentation for more information.