Cannot add new Procedure Step to a Batch Job
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Cannot add new Procedure Step to a Batch Job


Article ID: 5063


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Gen Gen - Workstation Toolset Gen - Host Encyclopedia Gen - Run Time Distributed


When try to add a new procedure step to an existing batch job on the Batch packaging menu, the OK button is not available. Is there a limitation to the number of procedure Steps can be added to a Batch Job?


Release: KGNDDL99000-8.5-Gen-DBP Developer License


There is no limitiation,but it must be code add Procedure Steps to the Batch Job with the same subset on Toolset. If the OK Button is disabled, there would be a protection violation if the procedure was selected. The Toolset code gets the batch job, and looks at the corresponding procedure to check for the protection violation. So the scoping of the procedure needs to be investigated.