A Unix (or Linux) command, sent on a XCOMJOB transfer from the mainframe, may not run on the target system, when the command text has a continuation line.
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A Unix (or Linux) command, sent on a XCOMJOB transfer from the mainframe, may not run on the target system, when the command text has a continuation line.


Article ID: 50509


Updated On:


XCOM Data Transport XCOM Data Transport - Windows XCOM Data Transport - Linux PC XCOM Data Transport - z/OS


Certain commands (e.g., my) may not run on the target Unix (or Linux), once the command is transferred via XCOMJOB (from the mainframe), if it requires a continuation line as command text. The command would fail with XCOMU0289E Command failed, RC=127.



Component: XCUHP9


An available solution for this problem follows:

  1. Edit XCOM.GLB file on the target Unix (or Linux) system

  2. Change parm REMOVE_TRAIL_BLANKS=NO to YES; save change

  3. Stop and start xcomd on the target Unix (or Linux) system

  4. Initiate the SEND JOB (XCOMJOB) from the mainframe (z/OS)

    Example of a VB file: The command text would look like this;

    mv /aaaa/bbb/ccc/ddd/eee/fff/ggg/hhh/old.txt \ (backslash needed)


Changing REMOVE_TRAIL_BLANKS=NO to YES will affect all incoming transfers (on target system).

If using a RECFM=FB file with an LRECL=80 (such as a PDS member), and making sure the continuation character is in column 80, there is no need to change REMOVE_TRAIL_BLANKS=NO to YES on target system.

If using a RECFM=VB file, the continuation character can be in any column within the limits of the LRECL. In this case, there is no need to change REMOVE_TRAIL_BLANKS=NO to YES on target system.