Error In Getting Aty Dob
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Error In Getting Aty Dob


Article ID: 50438


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager ServiceDesk


When Service Desk attempts to use an Activity Notification that does not exist or has its status set to inactive, the following message is written to the log:

<date> <time> <hostname> spelsrvr 1184 ERROR chgalg.spl 922 Error in getting aty dob: NOT FOUND

where <date>, <time>, and <hostname> are specific to your installation.



Service Desk Manager v17.x and up


The scenario causing the error depends on the Activity Notification that is involved.

The following steps can be used to determine the inactive or missing code.

  1. Turn on pdm_trace for the spelsrvr process according to the line number of the file in the message.

    For the following message:

    <date> <time> <hostname> spelsrvr 1184 ERROR chgalg.spl 922 Error in getting aty dob: NOT FOUND

    the file is chgalg.spl, and the line number is 922.

    So, to setup and start the trace, issue the following commands at a Windows Command Prompt:

    pdm_trace spelsrvr SIZE 10000
    pdm_trace spelsrvr ON
    pdm_trace spelsrvr WATCH chgalg.spl 922 1

    Note: If you are running multiple spelsrvrs, you can issue slstat to find the name of each. You may need to run the set of commands listed above for each of the spelsrvrs by replacing "spelsrvr" in the command set with the specific spelsrvr name.

  2. Monitor the stdlog file for the "Error in getting aty dob: NOT FOUND" message.

    Once the message appears, the trace is hit. A corresponding trace file is automatically created in the $NX_ROOT\log directory which has a name similar to: trace_spelsrvr_20110610111758.log

  3. To view and then turn off the trace, issue:

    pdm_trace spelsrvr STATUS
    pdm_trace spelsrvr OFF
    pdm_trace spelsrvr UNWATCH chgalg.spl 922 1

    Note: If you are running multiple spelsrvrs, run this command for each by name.

  4. Extract the contents of the database table, Act_Type, to a file. The command to do this is:

    pdm_extract -c Act_Type >Act_Type.pdm_extract.txt

    Act_Type.pdm_extract.txt is the file that contains the command output.

  5. Provide both the trace log file (see step #2) and the extract file (see step#3) to Broadcom Support for analysis. Alternatively, find the code in the extract file that corresponds to the persid of the string in the trace log file that is of the form: aty:<persid>.

To resolve the problem, set the Activity Notification identified by the code to 'active' or, if the code does not exist, create a new Activity Notification for the code and be sure that the status of the new code is set to 'active'