Bypass USS Security In Warn Or Dorm Mode In Top Secret
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Bypass USS Security In Warn Or Dorm Mode In Top Secret


Article ID: 50380


Updated On:


Top Secret


The following steps need to be performed on a Disaster Recovery system:

  1. IPL with Top Secret in MODE(DORM). The IPL is not from the normal res packs.

  2. Have emergency IBM id's defined in SYS1.UADS (not TSS).

  3. Emergency User's can signon.

  4. Bring up TCP/IP and allow remote access.

When programmers try to bring up TCP/IP to allow remote access, they get an SEC6 abend.


The issue here is that the TCP/IP address space doesn't have any ACID defined with an OMVS segment (minimum UID, GROUP, and DFLTGRP).

This acid also needs:

  1. A facility TCP defined.

  2. A MASTFAC added to it.

  3. To be defined to the STC table with the acid assigned to the TCPIP proc.

It is recommended to define an OMVS segment to this ACID rather than using the Top Secret UNIQUSER and MODLUSER control options.