How to add an IP Address and IP Port number to the TPX Main Menu panel - TEN0041
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How to add an IP Address and IP Port number to the TPX Main Menu panel - TEN0041


Article ID: 50366


Updated On:


TPX - Session Management


Is there any way to populate the TPX Main menu with the IP address and IP port number.
This can be helpful information when trouble shooting a problem or for monitoring and reference purposes.  



Release: 5.4
Component: TPX


The TPX Main menu, panel id Txx0041, where xx is the language such as EN for English, needs to be modified
to include the IP address and port number on the Main menu as an aid to TPX administration.

The following steps detail what needs to be done to display the two values on your TPX Menu:

  1. Create a copy of panel TEN0041 in a custom panel library that you concatenate ahead of the CA TPX Panel library.
    Make your panel changes to this custom version so that the original version remains available in the vendor library
  2. Add the IP Address and IP Port variables, &ipaddr and &ipport, to the customized TEN0041 panel. (See attached sample )
    The label on the modified panel can be, for example IPADDR= and IPPORT=.
    Be sure to allow sufficient space for the maximum possible values to be displayed.

      ¬ TYPE(OUTPUT) INTENSE(HI) SKIP(ON) color(red)                              
      ? TYPE(OUTPUT) INTENSE(LOW) SKIP(ON) color(blue)                            
      * tYPE(TEXT) SKIP(ON) INTENSE(HI) hilite(uscore)                            
      % TYPE(TEXT) SKIP(ON) INTENSE(HI)                                            
      | TYPE(output) SKIP(ON) INTENSE(HI)                                          
      : type(OUTPUT) intense(&UENTBR)                                              
      < type(OUTPUT) intense(&UENTBR2)                                            
      ; type(TEXT)   intense(&UENTBR)                                              
      + TYPE(TEXT) SKIP(ON) color(blue)                                            
      _ TYPE(INPUT)                                                                
    )BODY TYPE=BREAKIN                                                            
    %                       &XPTNAME MENU FOR|zuserid           +Panelid  -?ZPANEL
    ¬ZHELP                                                      +Terminal -?ZTERMID
    + Cmdkey=&uidxesck+ Jump=&uidxjkey+Menu=&uidxmkey+          +Model    -?TBMODEL
    + Print=&uidxpkey+  Cmdchar=&uidxchar+                      +System   -?W1    
    + Ipport=?ipport+   Ipaddr=?ipaddr                          +                  
      ¬W2                                                                %        
    %   *Sessid%    *Sesskey%     *Session Description%          *Status%          
      _Z:uentuser;   PF:Z +       <Z                               ¬z   +          
    %Command ===>_Zcmd                            +      ¬w3              +        
    +PF1=Help  PF7/19=Up  PF8/20=Down  PF10/22=Left  PF11/23=Right %H+=Cmd Help    
    .ZVARS=(UENTSLCT UENTPJMP UENTLAB UENTWSTS)                                    

  3. You can review and authenticate the modified panel before reloading it into production,
    by invoking session TPXADMIN, next select 2,  then select "R  - Reload and Display Panel " .
    Type in TEN0041 or the name of the new customized panel.
  4. Once the panel is verified, Reload the panel using TPXOPER command , RELOAD PANEL=TEN0041 (or the customized panel name)

  5. Signoff and back on to TPX.
    The two IP fields should be populated with the relevant values.
    The fields will be blank if you logged on by another method (e.g. SNA).

  6. You should now see both your IP Address and IP Port on your TPX menu panel where you added them.

                           TPX MENU FOR     USER01 
     Cmdkey=PF22       Jump=PF23      Menu=PF21       
     Print=PF14        Cmdchar=/                      
     Ipport=           Ipaddr=                        

Attachments get_app