On our Development environment, every time we try to run bulk loader, we see the following error message:
ERROR [ims.tmt.submit.validation.blth] Exception in BLTH handleTask:
the same task and screen is working fine in our QA environments but in our dev it is not
The only change to dev was the integration of IM to GM.
When we run the Bulk loader client then Feed is coming in IDM but all the records are failing.
Feed was working properly but suddenly start failing.
Getting the below message in Log.
13:04:39,613 WARN [im.feeder] FeedObjectEvent: Going to use configured number of worker threads: 30
13:04:39,697 WARN [im.feeder] FeedObjectEvent: Starting wait for worker threads to complete
13:04:40,112 ERROR [im.feeder] com.ca.identitymanager.feeder.util.FeederSearchException:
Object not found.
13:04:40,236 ERROR [ims.tmt.submit.validation.blth] Exception in BLTH handleTask:
at com.ca.identitymanager.feeder.adapter.BLTHAnalyticsForBulkLoader.handleValidation(BLTHAnalyticsForBulkLoader.java:109)
at com.netegrity.ims.businessprocess.BLTHTaskHandler.handleTask(BLTHTaskHandler.java:167)
at com.netegrity.ims.businessprocess.BLTHTaskHandler.handleTask(BLTHTaskHandler.java:120)
at com.netegrity.ims.businessprocess.TaskServiceImpl.validateSubmit(TaskServiceImpl.java:1281)
at com.netegrity.ims.businessprocess.TaskServiceImpl.submit(TaskServiceImpl.java:342)
at com.netegrity.ims.businessprocess.TaskServiceImpl.submitNoWait(TaskServiceImpl.java:319)
at com.ca.identitymanager.feeder.event.FeedObjectsEvent$MyBulkWorkerThread.run(FeedObjectsEvent.java:179)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:895)
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:918)
at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)
13:04:40,242 ERROR [im.feeder] com.netegrity.ims.exception.IMSException:
13:04:40,242 WARN [im.feeder] FeedObjectEvent: All worker threads completed execution normally after 0 seconds, number of failed submissions is 2
13:04:40,244 WARN [im.feeder] FeedObjectEvent: Finished submitting tasks; time taken: 631
<Apr 12, 2016 1:05:07 PM CDT> <Warning> <Socket> <BEA-000449> <Closing socket as no data read from it on xxx.xxx.xx.xx:54,776 during the configured idle timeout of 5 secs>
When Smart Provisioning is enabled, the Analytics BLTH will generate an error if the provisioning role tab is not added to the tasks run by the bulk loader.
Add Provisioning Roles tab to the tasks submitted via the Bulk Load Client.