When trying to load a previously saved SpectroSERVER Database (SSdb) savefile, the following error shows:
Error: Detected incompatible model mask configuration. The database is configured as 20 bits, but the server is configured as 24 bits.
Database can't be loaded.
Please verify that the load options are consistent with the types of data in the save file. The database has not been changed.
The landscape handle bitmask in the SpectroSERVER database file does not match the bitmask of Spectrum. If the "Huge Landscape Handle" option was selected during install, this means that the SpectroSERVER database file has a legacy landscape handle. If the Legacy Landscape Handle was selected during install, this means the SpectroSERVER database file has a huge landscape handle.
Loading a previously saved SpectroSERVER database file with a different landscape handle bit mask is not supported. You will need to review your SpectroSERVER environment for proper configuration. If you have installed and chosen the wrong landscape option, please uninstall and reinstall CA Spectrum.
If you selected an incorrect handle and that SS is in a DSS, you may need to remove the incorrect entry from the map after you have reinstalled. To do that, open a bash shell and navigate to the <SPECROOT>/SS-Tools/ directory. Run the MapUpdate command:
./MapUpdate -v
Remove the incorrect entry:
./MapUpdate -remove <lh> -precedence <precedencevalue>
For example:
./MapUpdate -remove 0x100000 -precedence 10
Please refer to TEC1507856 for further info on the "Legacy Landscape Handle" and "Huge Landscape Handle" options: